(208) 634-4111
[email protected]

Rates & Billing Procedures

Rate Setting Process

Rates are set to cover debt service, fund operations and maintenance, and fund the gradual build-up of system reinvestment funding, and are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.

Residential sewer rates are based on data for finished living space square footage (not including garages, sheds, unfinished attics or basements) obtained from sources including City of McCall building plans, District sewer permit application, or the Valley County Assessor’s Office.

Commercial sewer rates are based on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) which is defined as the sewage flow from one typical single-family residence. PLRWSD Engineers estimate sewage flows based on standard engineering tables by type of use (e.g. restaurant, office, hotel). A minimum of one ERU is charged per commercial account, at the residential rate for a dwelling of 1,001 – 2000 SF (average size).

Billing Procedures

Various billing cycles are offered:

  • Monthly
  • Semi-annually
  • Annually

Customers can pay one the following ways:

* a 3% fee will be charged for all credit card transactions; $1.50 for e-check

Late Fees and Delinquent Accounts

  • Late fees will be assessed at $5 per month after the due date.

(click image to view larger)


DIGLINE, Inc. provides a central, 24/7 Idaho owned and operated call center to notify underground facility owners of planned digging activities. Call DIGLINE at 811, or submit a locate request online, at least two business days before you dig.